A fortnightly review club for Lightning Dev Kit (LDK) PRs

What is this?  A fortnightly club for reviewing LDK PRs at 18:00 UTC every second Friday in the #review-club channel on our Discord server.

What’s it for?  To help newer contributors learn about the LDK review process. The review club is not primarily intended to help open PRs get merged.

Who should take part?  Anyone who wants to learn about contributing to LDK. All are welcome to come and ask questions!

How do I take part? Just show up on our Discord! See Attending your first PR Review Club for more tips on how to participate.

Who runs this?  Upcoming meetings are scheduled by LDK contributor dunxen. The meetings are hosted by a variety of LDK contributors. See some of our previous hosts.

Upcoming Meetings

» #2829 Add an implementation of mutual message exchange (bLIP31, Mutual Message Exchange, Bolt12) hosted by jbesraa
» #3080 Optional compact blinded path creation (Blinded Paths, Compact Blinded Paths, Bolt12, Offer) hosted by jbesraa
» #3139 Authenticate use of offer blinded paths (Blinded Paths, Compact Blinded Paths, Bolt12, Offer, Auth) hosted by vincenzopalazzo

We’re always looking for interesting PRs to discuss in the review club and for volunteer hosts to lead the discussion:

Recent Meetings

» #2829 Add an implementation of mutual message exchange (bLIP31, Mutual Message Exchange, Bolt12) hosted by jbesraa
» #2825 Add OutputSweeper persisting and spending outputs (OutputSweeper, Persistence, Outputs) hosted by jbesraa
» #2760 Fix infinite loop when closing a pre-funding channel (channel-establishment, channel-funding) hosted by jbesraa
» #2419 Interactive Transaction Construction (InteractiveTxConstructor, splicing, dual-funding) hosted by dunxen

See all meetings.

Other Resources for New Contributors